Buttek Mosaïk offers its customers sustainable and fair products for their daily lives and gives them the opportunity to support social and development cooperation projects at the same time.
In September 2019, Buttek Mosaïk re-opened its doors with its new concept of a local and sustainable village grocery based on the principle of "manner ass méi" (less is more): less packaging, less chemistry, less wastage, less transportation and in return more quality, more regional products, more ecological products, more social commitment.
Buttek Mosaïk focuses on suppliers
- of organic and fair products
- of regional products
- of products without packaging or in returnable containers
Buttek Mosaïk covers a large part of its customers' daily needs with its offer:
- Grocery shop
- Beverages
- Vegetables: Kalendula baskets on order
- Cleaning supplies
- Well-being
- Special products: buckwheat, effective micro-organisms, packaging-free products, seed and nut oils and butters, …
11 Kiirchestrooss Tel 00352 / 26 67 12 61
L-5741 Filsdorf
Facebook, Instagram: Buttek Mosaïk
Opening hours:
Wednesday 17h00 – 19h30
Saturday 09h00 – 12h00
Buttek Mosaïk is run entirely by volunteers and does not pay rent. Buttek Mosaïk's profits are fully reintegrated into social projects, aimed at helping the most disadvantaged. A large part is transferred to the NGO Action pour un Monde Uni to ensure the financing of development cooperation projects.
From 1999 to 2019, Buttek Mosaïk donated more than €250,000 and will continue in this direction.
Since 1999, Buttek Mosaïk has been selling gift articles designed and manufactured in companies driven by the spirit of fair trade and of the economy of communion*.
In 1999, fascinated by the concept of the economy of communion*, a team of volunteers from different parts of Luxembourg decided to launch "Buttek Mosaïk". The name "Mosaïk" evokes the vast mosaic of humanity and the fact that the particular action of each individual - the gift of his talents, his time, his resources - contributes to making the world more united and more solidary.
Today, with the new concept, the name "Mosaïk" also symbolizes the interaction of all the elements of the world - humanity, fauna, flora, environment - and their vitality for human existence and the fact that the particular action of each contributes to making the world more respected and saner.
* Economy of communion
More than 800 companies around the world have joined the economy of communion project. These companies allocate part of their profit to ensure the continuity of the company, another part to help the most disadvantaged and finally a third part to promote trainings.
Action pour un Monde Uni asbl - NGO accredited Non-Governmental Organization in Luxembourg